Wakefield lgbtq+ Pride begun as Wakefield Pride not Prejudice and originated from a request from the lgbtq+ youth group Fruitbowl to organise an lgbtq+ Pride event in Wakefield. An article placed in the now defunct Yorkshire Queer Magazine SHOUT asked for volunteers to meet at the MESMAC offices in January 2005 and the committee was formed and was developed in conjunction with Wakefield Council, the Primary Care Trusts, the West Yorkshire Police Authority, the owners of two local gay venues in the city, VOX, the Men’s Sexual Health Project (MESMAC) and members of the gay community.
Wakefield is a city in West Yorkshire, England, and they also hold an annual Wakefield lgbtq+ Pride event. The event aims to celebrate diversity and promote equality, and typically includes a parade, live music, and a variety of stalls from community organizations, charities, and businesses.